Cost benefit Analysis Reply

Expand on this explanation and provide an example that supports this explanation or respectfully challenging this explanation and providing an example. 

Cost Benefit Analysis and its Impact on Efforts to Repeal ACA

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 was one of the policies in the Obama administration that caused diverse political reactions among the legislators and the public. This policy attempted to address the social injustices in America by prioritizing healthcare delivery, especially to low-income individuals (McIntyre & Song, 2019). Legislators had divided opinions on implementing these policies, as most of them conducted a cost-benefit analysis on its suitability in resolving healthcare issues. The first attempt to replace ACA was in 2017 with the passing of the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Implementing the latter policy would mean that approximately half of the beneficiaries of the ACA would lose access to affordable healthcare services (Issar & Dilling, 2021). The AHCA also proposed a tax credit based on age, an aspect that would increase the cost of healthcare services. Reelection affected the success and implementation of the AHCA to replace ACA. Most citizens supported the ACA, and legislators had no option but to keep it for their reelection, as legislators who opposed it risked losing their seats.

The voters’ views affect the legislators’ positions on the policy as the voters have the power to reelect them. Milstead and Short (2019) ascertain that voters influence important political aspects and determine their implementation or rejection. The best example of the influence of voters on policy issues was the replacement of ACA with AHCA. The voters supported ACA because it increased accessibility and availability of quality healthcare but repelled the AHCA due to the associated taxes and increased healthcare service costs (Wilensky, 2018; Issar & Dilling, 2021). The legislators in the House of Representatives and Senate need the votes to secure their positions, and disagreeing with the voters’ opinions would disadvantage their political careers (, n.d.; United States Senate, n.d.). Therefore, supporting the policy that the citizens support at higher levels increases the chances of legislators retaining their seats, even when they disagree with the policy’s mandates.

Resources to use:

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) pathophysiology

I have attached the rubric on how to do

Case 13

See attached report

CAse study4

 Esophageal Reflux Case Studies A 45-year-old woman complained of heartburn and frequent regurgitation of “sour” material into her mouth. Often while sleeping, she would be awakened by a severe cough. The results of her physical examination were negative. Studies Results Routine laboratory studies Negative Barium swallow (BS), p. 941 Hiatal hernia Esophageal function studies (EFS), p. 624 Lower esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure 4 mm Hg (normal: 10–20 mm Hg) Acid reflux Positive in all positions (normal: negative) Acid clearing Cleared to pH 5 after 20 swallows (normal: <10 swallows) Swallowing waves Normal amplitude and normal progression Bernstein test Positive for pain (normal: negative) Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), p. 547 Reddened, hyperemic, esophageal mucosa Gastric scan, p. 743 Reflux of gastric contents to the lungs Swallowing function, p. 1014 No aspiration during swallowing Diagnostic Analysis The barium swallow indicated a hiatal hernia. Although many patients with a hiatal hernia have no reflux, this patient’s symptoms of reflux necessitated esophageal function studies. She was found to have a hypotensive LES pressure along with severe acid reflux into her esophagus. The abnormal acid clearing and the positive Bernstein test result indicated esophagitis caused by severe reflux. The esophagitis was directly visualized during esophagoscopy. Her coughing and shortness of breath at night were caused by aspiration of gastric contents while sleeping. This was demonstrated by the gastric nuclear scan. When awake, she did not aspirate, as evident during the swallowing function study. The patient was prescribed esomeprazole (Nexium). She was told to avoid the use of tobacco and caffeine. Her diet was limited to small, frequent, bland feedings. She was instructed to sleep with the head of her bed elevated at night. Because she had only minimal relief of her symptoms after 6 weeks of medical management, she underwent a laparoscopic surgical antireflux procedure. She had no further symptoms. Critical Thinking Questions 1. Why would the patient be instructed to avoid tobacco and caffeine? 2. Why did the physician recommend 6 weeks of medical management? Case Studies Copyright © 2018 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 2 3. How do antacid medication work in patients with gastroesophageal reflux? 4. What would you approach the situation, if your patient decided not to take the medication and asked you for an alternative medicine approach? 


Discuss what is happening on a cellular level with the disease process. Be careful to realize that patients have co-morbidities and you may need to discuss the other diseases impact on the pathophysiology and care of the patient.  Three (3) resources after 2008 are required along with APA format. 

Reproductive Case Study

Case Presentation:

An 20y.o., sexually active, college student has been experiencing dysuria for the last couple of days. At one point he noticed that a small amount of yellowish discharge from the tip of his penis. He is in a relationship with his first sexual partner for about 5 months. He has not experienced any similar incidents in this time frame and wonders if his partner has been monogamous. He made an appointment at the school clinic to seek care. He has provided a urine specimen for evaluation.

Physical Exam:

T, 100.6; HR 82, R 18, Bp 120/76.

Yellow discharge noted on penile area

Low back pain

Unilateral left painful, swollen scrotum

Culture was also done to identify the organism

Questioning occurred related to his sexual partners.

Test results came back positive for chlamydia.


1. Originally considered a virus, Chlamydia is now recognized as a bacteria. Why is this so?

2. Chlamydial organisms are obligate non-motile intracellular parasites associated with many sexually transmitted diseases. Why?

3. Why can this virus remain latent or subclinical for years before it is diagnosed?

4. What are the treatment options for this patient? Note where you found the evidence to support this treatment.

5. Why did the medical professionals ask him about his sexual partners?

6. If untreated, what complications could occur to his sexual partner?

7. What education is needed for this patient to prevent this from occurring again?


2nd Discussion post


All students are expected to contribute meaningful discussion related to the discussion topic of cultural diversity.  The term “cultural diversity” can also refer to having different cultures respect each other’s differences. Please answer and discuss the following questions.

  • What is culturally sensitive nursing care?
  • How do you assess culture in nursing?
  • How can nurses improve/nurture diversity?

On-line etiquette and respect is expected! Plagiarism will not be tolerated. The student must document the use of sources per APA 7th edition guidelines. See Discussion Rubric under DQ content tab for grading requirements. I have also attached a link with the Rubric directly in the discussion question. 

1 Initial post due: 11/3/23 9:00pm 

  • Initial post 300 word minimum; 2 scholarly reference minimum within 5 yrs

2 Peer responses due: 11/17/23 9:00pm

  • 2 Peer responses 100 word minimum; 1 scholarly reference minimum within 5 years

Ways of learning

Ways of learning

pn1 written 9


Your written assignment for this module is a worksheet that describes the following:

  • The differences between acute and chronic pain
  • Reasons that a patient would experience acute versus chronic pain and patient presentation examples of each.

dis 8

please follow all directions

power point

N402 Social Media Assignment Instruction

30 Possible Points

Overview: This assignment will engage the learner to gain a better understanding of social media use in their work environment, the risks and benefits of social media, protection of patient privacy, and the importance of appropriate social media use and content as a form of communication.

This assignment will be in the form of a PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoints should be concise and briefly highlight information. Slides should be presented in APA 7th ed. format, be clearly presented, free of spelling and formatting errors, information should be paraphrased and include citations. Images need to be correctly credited and should include a minimum of 2 images. Turn it in report should be less than 10%

1. This assignment is based on the following article by the National Council State Boards of Nursing. The article is located in the content area of the course on D2L.

NCSBN. (2011).
White paper: A nurse’s guide to the use of social media.

2. Please review the ANA Factsheet on social media and website found in D2L


Prepare a power point presentation and include the following:

Title Slide: Name of presentation, Student Name, Instructor Name, College and Course, Date.

Social Media Policy: Discuss the types of policies that are used in your place of work. NO AGENCY names, use initials only and describe the facility. For example, small rural hospital, a hospice agency or a nursing home.

Include the date you viewed the policy and when the policy was written/and or reviewed. How is social media being used in your place of work? For your citation and reference use Agency policy and the date on the policy. Policies should be reviewed yearly so it would be a recommendation if they are outdated. Discuss findings in brief. No more than 2 slides.

Social Media Risk and Benefits: List and describe 2 of the benefits of social media for nursing
? Below is a list of possible benefits. List and describe 2 risks of social media?
Minimum 2 reference/citation for benefits and 2 reference /citation for risks. No more than 4 slides total.


1. Keep up with current health issues, trends, and up to date EBM

2. Opportunities to dialogue with colleagues

3. Education and training

4. Instant alerts in cases of disaster management

5. Dedicated phone for emergency calls to MD

6. Professional groups such as LinkedIn or Research Gate.

7. Facebook to recruit and inform public

Moral /Practice Issues: Describe at least 2 moral or practice issues have you seen arise from the use of social media.
No more than 2 slides total with at least one journal reference

Workplace Social Media: In this section identify specific social media use concern or issue for where you currently or formerly work. Illustrate the social media issue concern or issue in the form of a scenario. How will you correct the issue or concern? Examples could include:

· training for staff and what would this training include or the

· development of a departmental/hospital policy and what would need to be included.

Include :

· Recommendations on the use of social media in your place of work. Use at least 4 recommendations based on the literature reviewed. Be specific and these should be clearly stated and reasonable to the identified setting.

No more than 6 slides total for this section with Reference /citation to the reading for this assignment ANA Factsheet on Social Media and NCSBN. (2011).
White paper: A nurse’s guide to the use of social media.

Summary: End the presentation with a short statement of the main points.

References: Make sure to include 3 different references or more from additional scholarly journals or credible websites in addition to the ANA white paper and Facility policy reference.

APA: You may lose additional points for not using APA format and citing references appropriately both within the slides and on a reference page.