Jasmine Bevel
Friday Sep 15 at 8:25pm
week 3
Some benefits of disruptive behaviors are that it can bring awareness to social injustices and human rights violations. Disruptive behaviors can draw media attention, bring about awareness, and force people to engage in dialogue about important social movements. There are negative consequences to disruptive behaviors. Violence is never encouraged, but when gathering in large groups things can quickly get out of hand and result in serious injury and even death. Unfortunately, some of the protesters are not participating in the demonstrations to support the cause but may see the gathering as an opportunity to vandalize, loot and destroy property.
The first amendment states that “if a person’s comments disrupt a public meeting to a great degree, then the “rights of other members of the public” are affected and impede the legislative body from continuing its work on behalf of the public.” (St. Clair, 2022). Therefore, it is highly frowned upon and in the mist of these protest and other acts of disruptive behaviors can lead to lawful consequences.
The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom is a great example of a benefit of disruptive behaviors. The March on Washington pressured the John F. Kennedy administration to initiate strong federal civil rights bill in Congress. Became of this massive demonstration the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was implemented.
19, F., | by Nadra Nittle, Nittle, N., Feinberg, M., Willer, R., & Kovacheff, C. (2021, February 19).
The activist’s dilemma. Stanford Graduate School of Business.
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Acedessays. (2023, September 11).
The benefits of disruptive behaviors in social movements. Medium.
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Katy St. Clair, B. C. N. (2022, October 4).
California’s open meeting law treads fine line between free speech and disruptive behavior. Local News Matters.
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