case study
/in Uncategorized /by Submit My HomeworkMSN 5550 Health Promotion: Prevention of Disease
Case Study Module 6
Instructions: Read the following case study and answer the reflective questions. Please provide
evidence-based rationales for your answers. APA, 7th ed. must be followed.
Due: Saturday by 23:59 pm
Albert Mitchell is a 36-year-old man who will be traveling to Dubai to give a business
presentation in 3 months. Although he has traveled widely in the United States as a consultant,
this is his first trip to the Middle East.
He requests information regarding immunizations needed before his trip. Albert states that as
he will be in Dubai for only a few days, he is unlikely to contract a disease in such a short time
and therefore believes that it is illogical to obtain immunizations.
Albert states that he has heard that the side effects of the immunizations might be worse than
the diseases they prevent. He is also concerned about leaving his wife at home alone because
she is 6 months pregnant.
Reflective Questions
How would you address Albert’s beliefs?
What learning would be needed in each domain?
What learning theories would you consider?
How might his family concerns be addressed?
/in Uncategorized /by Submit My Homework
Respond at least 2 times each . The goal is for the discussion forum to function as robust clinical conferences on the patients. Provide a response to 1 of the 3 discussion prompts that your colleagues provided in their video presentations. You may also provide additional information, alternative points of view, research to support treatment, or patient education strategies you might use with the relevant patient.
/in Uncategorized /by Submit My HomeworkModule 05 Written Assignment – Reflection
What have you learned so far in this course that will help you conduct effective health assessments?
What skills do you have you gained?
Describe any areas that are still unclear and ways you will gain clarity.
Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.
effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine holistic and allopathic
/in Uncategorized /by Submit My HomeworkDiscuss the safety and effectiveness of alternative and complementary medicine for the treatment of specific
illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and hypertension. Share your opinions about holistic and allopathic care.
Would have any conflicts or concerns supporting a patient who chooses holistic or allopathic medicine?
500 words
2 citation and references APA 7 format
since 2018 to present
Advocacy letter
/in Uncategorized /by Submit My HomeworkPreparation for writing the Advocacy Letter
1. Choose a topic that interests you.
2. If you are unsure what to advocate for or against, look at professional organizations for inspiration:
Maryland Public Health Association
3. Look for advocacy groups that are working on the issue. We don't have to recreate the wheel. See what strategies the advocacy groups are supporting. For example: Brady and Gifford non-profits focus on gun policy.
4. Decide if you want to make change within an agency, at the local, state or federal level. Find the decision maker appropriate to that level. Click here to
find your elected official.
5. If you are writing to a legislator, look at that person’s website to see their position on the issue. Please do not ‘preach to the choir’—that is, if they already support the issue, it does no good to throw more facts at them.
6. If you are addressing a national issue, and your legislator aligns with your proposed action, consider looking at the committee that would hear a bill about your issue.
a. If there is a proposed bill that has not been active, you can ask the chair of the committee to bring it back up in committee.
b. Click here to
check for federal bills.
7. If you are addressing a state issue, the Maryland General Assembly meets January- April of each year.
a. You can see if state bill on your issue was unsuccessful in 2018, and ask your legislator to re-introduce it in 2019.
b. Click here to
check for state bills.
8. For evidence to support your proposed action, use the One Search through HS/HSL for the broadest results. If you are still having trouble finding articles, the premier journal for public health research is called The Nation's Health.
9. Reminders from the rubric:
a. Include your ‘Ask’ clearly and concisely in the first paragraph. In busy offices, staff may not read the entire letter.
b. In the same vein, keep the letter one page. References can be on a second page.
c. Include your credentials. All of you are BSN Candidates (and add whatever other credentials you have). This adds a professional weight to your voice.
10. As always, please let me know of any questions.
/in Uncategorized /by Submit My HomeworkPlease review the complete instructions
discussion replies
/in Uncategorized /by Submit My HomeworkRespond to the four colleagues attached below with questions to clarify or suggestions to sharpen or finesse their explanation of their problem-evidence-change initiative linkage. please include at least 2 references each
Short Answer Pharm
/in Uncategorized /by Submit My HomeworkAssignment, you will review and apply your understanding of psychopharmacologic treatments for patients with multiple mental health disorders.
1. In 3 or 4 sentences, explain the appropriate drug therapy for a patient who presents with MDD and a history of alcohol abuse ( use an SSRI Sertraline and an alcohol cessation medication naltrexone). Which drugs are contraindicated, if any, and why? Be specific. What is the timeframe that the patient should see resolution of symptoms?
2. List 4 predictors of late onset generalized anxiety disorder.
3. List 4 potential neurobiology causes of psychotic major depression.
4. An episode of major depression is defined as a period of time lasting at least 2 weeks. List at least 5 symptoms required for the episode to occur. Be specific.
5. List 3 classes of drugs, with a corresponding example for each class, that precipitate insomnia. Be specific.
References x 3 to include:
Morgenthaler, T. I., Kapur, V. K., Brown, T. M., Swick, T. J., Alessi, C., Aurora, R. N., Boehlecke, B., Chesson, A. L., Friedman, L., Maganti, R., Owens, J., Pancer, J., & Zak, R. (2007). Practice parameters for the treatment of narcolepsy and other hypersomnias of central origin.
SLEEPLinks to an external site.
, 30(12), 1705–1711.
Sateia, M. J., Buysse, D. J., Krystal, A. D., Neubauer, D. N., & Heald, J. L. (2017). Clinical practice guideline for the pharmacologic treatment of chronic insomnia in adults: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine clinical practice guideline.
Journal of Clinical Sleep MedicineLinks to an external site.
, 13(2), 307–349.
weekly discussion
/in Uncategorized /by Submit My HomeworkSTRATEGIES FOR ACADEMIC PORTFOLIOS
In the realm of marketing, a successful branding strategy is one of the most important contributors to organizational success. A solid branding strategy can help add visibility and credibility to a company’s products.
Similarly, nurse-scholars can build a personal brand to add visibility and credibility to their work. You can begin building your brand by developing and maintaining an academic portfolio. Such an activity can help share the results of your efforts and contribute to your success. This Module’s Discussion asks you to consider and share strategies for building your portfolio.
: Unless otherwise noted, initial postings to Discussions are due on or before Day 3, and response postings are due on or before Day 6. You are required to participate in the Discussion on at least three different days (a different day for main post and each response). It is important to adhere to the weekly time frame to allow others ample time to respond to your posting. In addition, you are expected to respond to questions directed toward your own initial posting in a timely manner.
Required readings
Required Readings
· Burns, M. K. (2018).
Creating a nursing portfolio
Links to an external site.
. Ohio Nurses Review, 93(3), 16-17.
· Casey, D. & Egan, D. (2013).
The use of professional portfolios for career enhancement
Links to an external site.
. British Journal of Nursing, 15(11), 547–552.
· East, R. (2015).
Developing a nurse practitioner portfolio
Links to an external site.
. ACORN: The Journal of Perioperative Nursing in Australia, 28(4), 35.
· Hannans, J. & Olivo, Y. (2017).
Craft a positive nursing digital identity with an ePortfolio
Links to an external site.
. American Nurse Today, 12(11), 48–49. Retrieved November 14, 2018, from
· Leahy, R., & Filiatrault, A. (2017).
Employers’ perceptions of the benefits of employment electronic portfolios
Links to an external site.
. International Journal of ePortfolio, 7(2), 217-223.
· McMillan, L. R., Parker, F., & Sport, A. (2014).
Decisions, decisions! E-portfolio as an effective hiring assessment tool
Links to an external site.
. Nursing Management, 45(4), 52-54.
· Walden University. (n.d.).
Walden University catalog
Links to an external site.
. Retrieved October 4, 2019, from
Select College of Nursing, then Master of Science in Nursing (MSN). Review the MSN Learning Outcomes on this page.
· Walden University. (n.d.).
Field experience: College of Nursing: Student resources – Graduate courses
Links to an external site.
. Retrieved from
· Walden University Writing Center. (n.d.).
Walden templates: Overview
Links to an external site.
. Retrieved from
Note: Download and review the College of Nursing Template by navigating to “Program-Specific Templates” and then “College of Nursing,” and selecting “College of Nursing Writing Template With Instructions.”
· Document:
APA Basics Checklist: Citations, Reference List, and Style
Download APA Basics Checklist: Citations, Reference List, and Style(PDF)
Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources.
To Prepare:
· Reflect on strategies that you can pursue in developing portfolios or portfolio elements that focus on academic achievements.
· Review one or more samples from your own research of resources focused on portfolio development.
Post an explanation of at least two strategies for including academic activities and accomplishments into your professional development goals. Then, explain how those goals may align with the University’s emphasis on social change. Be specific and provide examples.
Respond to at least
two of your colleagues' posts by offering additional ideas regarding academic achievements to include or offering alternative ways of presenting the current achievements.
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