please follow all directions
please follow all directions
Strengths, Challenges, Opportunities and Threats (SCOT) is a simple yet comprehensive way of assessing the positive and negative forces within and outside your organization so you can be better prepared to act effectively. It reminds the project leader to build on strengths, minimize challenges, seize opportunities, and counteract threats.
Assignment Prompt
Each student will perform a SCOT (formerly SWOT) analysis in their practice that identifies strengths, challenges, opportunities and threats to assist in making strategic plans and decisions in the implementation of the EBP.
Submit a 1-2 slide PowerPoint presentation of a SCOT analysis as it relates to your project.
Discuss the elements of informed consent. Provide a clinical example about what can happen when some elements are not adhered to.
BIOS242, Week 2-OL
Lab 2: Bacterial Isolation
Learning Objectives
· Explain the importance of bacterial growth for the investigation of pathological microorganisms
· Use aseptic techniques
· Explain the concept of a single colony
· Perform plate-streaking techniques
· Use selective media for isolation purposes
Techniques in Lab
· Colony screening
· Sterile technique
· Plate streaking
Introduction: Bacterial Isolation Virtual Simulation Lab
In the Bacterial Isolation simulation, you will investigate the cause of a contamination of poultry meat by a dangerous bacteria strain that is resistant to common antibiotics. After taking samples from the chicken farm, you will work in the virtual laboratory to isolate single colonies of the deadly bacteria among a variety of different species. To do so, you will learn how to work under sterile conditions, and you will be able to practice and perfect your plate streaking technique.
Will you be able to complete the task with your knowledge on bacterial isolation and successfully isolate the dangerous bacterial strain?
1. Purpose: Please describe in complete sentences and in your own words, the purpose of this experiment.
2. Why is proper aseptic technique important in microbiology?
3. What is the importance of flaming the inoculating loop or needle before
and after each inoculation?
4. If you do not wait 10 – 20 seconds after flame sterilizing the inoculating instruments before obtaining the sample, what might be the consequences?
5. Why is it important to flame neck of the tubes immediately after uncapping and before recapping the tubes?
6. Reflection: Write 5 sentences on what you learned from this simulation, what did you like and what was something that you would not prefer to be in the simulation.
Grading Rubric:
Activity |
Deliverable |
Points |
Document Submission |
Complete lab report and answer questions · Purpose (2 point) · Questions (8 points) · Reflection (5 points) |
15 |
Total |
Complete all lab |
15 |
Criteria |
Possible Points |
Points Earned |
Comments |
Title Page: Title accurately reflects purpose of research, follows APA format, includes your name, course name and number and Dr. Shantelle Smith in the instructor spot |
2 |
10 |
10 |
10 |
5 |
5 |
8 |
5 |
10 |
APA Format free of spelling and grammatical errors |
10 |
Total Points Earned____________ (out of 75)
This is the first assignment to introduce your PICO(T), scope and nature of the problem, background information of the problem, details regarding your research review, and the Johns Hopkins EBP approach you have taken for your research. This is a “building assignment” as part 1, then next week, part 2 will add to the Final Research Paper Assignment. You do not need to worry about self-plagiarism when continuing to part 2 and so on. If you have taken this course prior to this semester, you may not use any of your previous work from that time.
Assignment Part 1 – 75 possible points. See Assignment Part 1 Rubric and Example paper.
Instructions: Follow APA 7th ed. format and follow Assignment Part 1 Rubric (refer to example paper part 1, which also includes some part 2 components, so please pay attention to the rubric)
1. Use APA 7th ed. Manual or recommend APA template sites listed in content section to set up paper (Chapter 2, APA manual 7th ed.)
2. Write in 12pt font Times New Roman
3. This is formal writing assignment: DO NOT write in first person this means do not use: I statements. Instead, say “the writer or the author” or avoid those altogether by just referring to the components of the paper without the use of these.
4. Include a Title page (Do not use Assignment 1… as your title) The title should not be your entire PICOT but should allow the reader to understand what your Research is about *see example papers in the course You do not need to use a running head for your paper but include page # appropriately placed per APA (refer to Chapter 2 and Section 2.3, 2.4. Figure 2.2).
Example title: Comparison of Pressure Reduction Boots Versus Repositioning to Reduce Pressure Ulcers in the Elderly
5. Write about your topic in paragraph format using headings and subheadings. Use the rubric headings for the headings in each section of your assignment except “Introduction” the heading for the introduction. In 7th ed. APA this is the restatement of your paper title (see APA 7th ed. Section 2.7). I should see bold headings for the following: Background, Research Problem Statement, Research Purpose, Research Question, Research Utilization Model, Search Criteria and Results, and References
6. Here are the categories for your paper as listed on the rubric:
a. Introduction: Identifies nature & scope of the problem & significance of conducting the integrated research review to generate knowledge for nursing practice. I like to write this after I’ve completed the rest of the paper. It’s a synthesis of what you’ve written and what the reader will learn from the paper.
b. Background: Provides background information, explains & defines problem, explains significance & importance of problem, defines terms if necessary. This is the history of the PICOT. What happened prior to 2018 in relation to your PICOT? This is where you can cite “old and non-current” evidence. Go back as far as you need to. You should have literature support in this section.
c. Research Problem Statement: Indicates the gap in knowledge needed for nursing practice & provides a basis for the study purpose. This is the current state of the problem. Why did you choose this PICOT? Don’t use personal or work experiences unless you can support them in the literature. An example would be that there is a need for your PICOT based on the literature that states further research is needed in this area. Back up with literature support in this section.
d. Research Purpose: Clear concise statement of the specific aim or goal of the study, one sentence. This is only one sentence. What do you hope to accomplish in your research of your PICOT question? Typically, we don’t have one sentence paragraphs/section, but it is approved in this instance.
e. Research Question: Clear, concise interrogative statement, written in present tense, using PICOT format with a nursing focus. All you need to do is include your finalized PICOT question. Again, this is a one sentence section, but it is all I’m requiring.
f. Research Utilization Model: Explains the JHNEBP model and application to your PICOT for your proposed EBP change. Include your week 3 assignment in paragraph format. Make sure it flows with your paper. (This section is from your week 3 assignment. Please utilize feedback from me or if you achieved 100%, only revise to flow with the rest of your paper. Make sure to add the references to your Research Review Part 1 reference page.
g. Search Criteria and Results: You should have a paragraph that describes your data search including a general description of types of articles and levels of evidence based on Melnyk’s pyramid, insert the week 4 completed data search table in APA format (how you insert a table into a paper, APA 7th edition manual has instructions in Chapter 7, table 7.1), and you will also reference your week 4 literature review table in this section. The literature review table should be correctly inserted at the end of the paper, per APA formatting, labeled as an Appendix and referenced in this “search criteria and results” section in the paper as a way to guide the reader to look at the appendix. So, the data search table is inserted directly into the Search Criteria and Results section, but the Literature Review Table is inserted as an Appendix at the end of the paper. I will be grading and returning feedback by Tuesday end of day so you have ample time to revise if necessary.
h. References: formatted and cited correctly, all with the exception of 1-2 should be obtained from Mav Library or other reliable source (no .coms, blogs, etc. should be used), includes DOI# or website if no DOI available. To format an APA reference page, please see APA 7th edition manual, chapters 9-10.
Infection Topic
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Bottom of Form
Module 06 Content
Top of Form
Pick from MRSA, C-Diff, Tuberculosis, OR Varicella Zoster
Complete the
ATI Systems Disorder template for your assigned infection topic.
Every box on the template must be completed, a citation is needed for every box, and your reference list must be included (APA).
Nursing Opportunities Assignment: Total Possible Points = 110
Students will select a Contemporary Nursing Career Opportunity to write about. Careers should focus on the role that requires education at the Bachelor’s level or higher. You must get approval from the instructor for the topic. Students are expected to discuss all of the following:
Week 1 Discussion: Social Factors
I live in Lady Lake, FL. According to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2022, the city of Lady Lake’s population was 16,661, the median income was $42,088, and the percentage of people living in poverty was 14.0% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2022). The grocery store that I usually shop at and that is local is called Winn-Dixie. The Winn-Dixie I went to was located in Lady Lake FL. I did my research when I went grocery shopping yesterday and gathered the prices of the following, all were non-organic.
· 1 gallon of milk: $ 4.19 (whole milk)
· 1 loaf of bread: $4.19 (butter bread)
· 1 bag of apples (including price per pound): $5.99 (for a 3lb bag) /$2.39 per pound.
· 1 bag of carrots: $2.39 (baby-cut carrots)
· 1 large container of yogurt: $5.99 (Greek yogurt 32 ounces)
· 1 2-liter of soda: $1.49 (liter of coke)
· 1 bag of chips: $5.99 (bag of Doritos)
· 1 package of cookies: $4.19 (Chips Ahoy)
When it comes to buying groceries there are several social factors that could impact what groceries are purchased. Poverty levels can impact what groceries are purchased due to limited income. Those with limited income and are considered to be “in poverty” will rely more on cheaper and more affordable food options. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, “Low-income groups tend to rely on foods that are cheap and convenient to access but are often low in nutrients” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, n.d.).Cheaper food options may not be the most nutritious or healthy. Also, those who live in poverty might rely more on food that is processed and packaged, these foods will last longer helping them get the most out of their money. We can look at what is gathered above, yogurt is $5.99 and will not last as long as cookies which is $4.19.
The second social factor that could impact what groceries are purchased would be availability. When grocery stores have a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables it can be easier for people to select those healthier options and incorporate them into their diets. If the grocery stores do not have these items readily available, then customers may be led to frozen processed fruits and vegetables. Availability and assortment are important for those who may not have the money or accessibility to other sources of fresh produce.
A community health nurse could use outreach as an intervention to address areas of food security. According to our book,
Community/Public Health Nursing, the definition of outreach is, “locates populations of interest or populations at risk and provides information about the nature of the concern, what can be done about it, and how services can be obtained” (Nies & McEwen, 2022). The community health nurse should focus on the poverty population recognizing that they are at risk for food security and reach out to them. Once information is gathered the CHN can then do further research on how we can help those in need and provide them the services they may need.
Nies, M., & McEwen, M. (2022).
Community/Public Health Nursing. Elsevier Health Sciences.
U.S. Census Bureau. (2022).
U.S. Census Bureau. Retrieved from https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/ladylaketownflorida,US/PST045222?
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.).
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Retrieved from Access to Foods That Support Healthy Dietary Patterns: https://health.gov/healthypeople/priority-areas/social-determinants-health/literature-summaries/access-foods-support-healthy-dietary-patterns#:~:text=Low%2Dincome%20groups%20tend%20to,are%20often%20low%20in%20nutrients.&text=Fresh%20fruits%20and%20vegetab
Visit http://www.aha.org/advocacy-issues/communicatingpts/pt-care-partnership.shtml and review the American Hospital Association’s Patients’ Bill of Rights. Discuss how health care professionals can ensure that patients’ rights are upheld and protected.
Post your discussion to the Moodle Discussion Forum. Initial post must be made by Day #3. Word limit 500 words. Reply to at least two other student posts with a reflection of their response. Please make sure to provide citations and references (in APA, 7th ed. format) for your work.
I must create an admission letter for start my career , I attached my resume , and the commission letter guideline , for you able to see what is requested, some data is personal Information for that I uploaded my resume, my current job is Home health: Confident care of Florida. Im in Florida and want to start In Walden University Institution my career.
please read throughly want is requested for you able to create a proper entrance letter for this institution
3 pages with proper app 7th edition format and proper grammar
due date sept 28, 2023 no later
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