health care statistics. IP4


Statistics play an important role in the management of health care organizations and in decision making and strategic planning. Collecting, analyzing, and utilizing data appropriately impacts financial management of the organization and the quality of patient care delivered. Decisions in clinical medicine are driven by evidence-based practice, as are those in health care management. A health care manager must understand and use evidence in making informed decisions that improve the operations and financial status of the organization as well as deliver quality of care accessible to those who need it and with consideration of the costs involved.

In this assignment, you will choose a utilization review statistic from the following list and review a research  or government publication, as outlined below.

Choose a health care statistic that health care managers would use, such as one of the following:

  • Hospital-acquired condition (HAC)
  • Emergency department visits
  • Labor and delivery suite usage
  • Ambulatory surgery procedures
  • Hospital death rates
  • Cesarean-section rate
  • Wait time
  • Adverse drug events

Research your chosen statistic, and provide information from an outside source—such as a journal article, accreditation agency report, government site, and so forth—that discusses the health care statistic in a real-life setting or situation.

 in APA format that discusses the following:

  • What was the reason for the research that was performed or for the data being collected?
  • What was the source of the data presented?
  • What types of descriptive statistics and graphical representations of data were used?
  • What were the research question(s) and the significant findings of the article?
  • How could the information presented be used to inform decisions or improvements?

Cite references using APA format, and remember to include a citation for the article that you are describing.


Each student will individually write a paper over a relevant maternal-infant nursing topic that is addressed by a Healthy People 2030 objective. Healthy People 2030 objectives are available at
 .The concept chosen must be appropriate and relevant to maternal-infant nursing. The purpose of this assignment is three-fold:  to thoroughly research a topic of interest relating to maternal-infant nursing; to synthesize the information found; and to then draw inferences about the concept. 

This paper is expected to be short, succinct, focused, and developed on the chosen topic. The student can adequately address the criteria in 
3-5 pages, excluding the title and reference pages. All papers must be typed and in APA 7 format.  I encourage you to meet with Megan Hasler, the School of Nursing's librarian if needed for APA guidance or search questions, etc. 

Students are strongly encouraged to send papers to the Writing Center prior to submission.
  References must include a minimum of three (3) journal articles, and you may also include an appropriate medical/nursing dictionary or encyclopedia, the course textbook, the state department of health website for vital statistics, the CDC, etc. See evaluation criteria below for specific guidelines, and PDF attachment for a template.  
Due by Sunday, November 5, at 23:59pm. In the box below you will find examples of topics that have an associated Healthy People 2030 objective. Topic must be approved.


Maternal-Infant Concept Paper Evaluation Rubric



Topic is defined adequately


How is evidence-based practice being utilized regarding the topic chosen?


How does this relate to nursing practice? What are some nursing considerations?


Choose and identify one Healthy People 2030 objective related to your chosen topic and research how your state/region/county/city compares to the goal.


What effect does this topic have on the client?  What cultural barriers may exist to complicate care? Other cultural considerations?


APA Style/Format correct (references, citations, title page, etc.)


Grammar (spelling, punctuation) and Content (clear, appropriate word usage, complete sentences, paragraphs, etc.)




D.Saa Critical Care Wk 5


MY NUMBER ASSIGNED WAS 2 WHICH IS:  Explain burn staging (1st, 2nd, 3rd, and bone). Provide info about partial and full thickness burns AND two major complications of burn injuries.

Each student will be assigned a number randomly.  Whatever your number is, select the corresponding topic below, then post a minimum of 5 bullet points about the topic.  

Your bullet points should address key components of the topic, such as what, how, who, & why.  This information should not be basic things you learned in Med/Surg, but rather advanced critical care based.  

Think about this as a group effort to create a study guide. Use ONLY your textbook, but do not cut & paste from the book.  

Then create, find, or borrow a test style question about your topic & post at the bottom of your bullet points. The format needs to be multiple choice or select all that apply. Think NCLEX style. 


Take a few minutes and ask 2 people about their personal coping mechanisms for dealing with the stress of working in healthcare during this unique time of Covid. Stress can be physical, emotional, spiritual, or any combination of triggers. Ask a diverse variety of people, don’t forget those in other departs at different points of hierarchy. For example, ask your unit manager, environmental services, volunteers, patients, fellow nurses, etc.  Write 2-3 paragraphs on your findings and impressions while respecting the person’s identity. 


 Presentation 1 page (blank I will put my data), task 1 page (with the topics), reference 1 page, (3 pages). for the Sunday Homework:

 Homework on the indicated topics. APA 7. Reference less than 3 years Plagiarism is analyzed and it is critical, the activity is invalidated. 


 1. Arguments in favor of the development and continued use of the great theories of nursing 

2. Arguments in favor of the obsolescence of the great theories of nursing 

Cancer Treatment Options-Discussion Post


Mrs. Williams is a 27-year-old female diagnosed with breast cancer. She is currently in pharmacy school. She does not have children, but hopes to have them someday. She has been tested and has a genetic predisposition for this disease.

  • What treatment options does she have?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of those treatment options?
  • What would you tell Mrs. Williams if she decided to refuse treatment?
  • Mrs. Williams really wants to have children before she starts treatment. What would you educate her about? Why? Remember that your posts must exhibit appropriate writing mechanics including using proper language, cordiality, and proper grammar and punctuation. If you refer to any outside sources or reference materials, be sure to provide proper attribution and/or citation.

Initial post requirement must be 250 words minimum. The 2 peer responses must be 150 words minimum each. 

Implementation, critical reflection and evaluation of an educational event

Implementation, critical reflection and evaluation of an educational event


Topic: Delegation

How comfortable do you believe most RNs are in the role of delegator to UAP?

 A brief introductory paragraph introduces the topic of the discussion. APA form

Use current literature (5 years old or less) to support your views. Be sparing in your use of quotes. Learn to paraphrase the information you are sharing from a source. A paragraph at the end gives a brief summary of the discussion. The initial posting for each topic should be a minimum of 500 words in length (not including the references).

Vital Organs / Unconscious State


After studying the course materials located on Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources page, answer the following:

  1. Name some very important organs that are not vital organs.
  2. List the functional description of all the normal vital organs, including today’s exceptions.
  3. Is it possible to live without a vital organ? Why? Example?
  4. Distinction between assisting or substituting vital organs. Bioethical analysis.
  5. Do the following practices assist or substitute the vital organ? Why?
    • Dialysis
    • Respirator
    • Ventilator
    • Tracheotomy
    • CPR
  6. Read and summarize ERD PART FIVE Introduction.
  7. Unconscious state: Definition.
  8. Clinical definitions of different states of unconsciousness: Compare and contrast
  9. Benefit vs Burden: bioethical analysis.

Submission Instructions:
 is to be clear and concise and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, and misspelling.

  • If references are used, please cite properly according to the current APA style

Reading Between the Lines: Emotions


Edit your plan based on any instructor or collegial feedback from Week 4. Proof and finalize the plan. It should include the following information:

  • Company synopsis: This is a snapshot of the company, what it sells, and the number of employees.
  • Management’s philosophy on employee communication: An example of a management philosophy could be that any important communication about the company’s activities are shared internally before being shared externally on the Internet or in a news release.
  • Goals of the communication plan: One possible goal could be to help employees be more productive by establishing a clear and effective employee communication plan. The plan can be viewed as an organizational diagnostic that provides employees with consistent, accurate, and regular information about the company’s business goals and objectives.
  • Target audience characteristics: The plan should take into account cultural, gender, and linguistic differences to help employees understand the goals of the organization.
  • Communication tools: These can include various deliverables, including e-mails, newsletters, e-blasts, brochures, reports, conferences, employee meetings, and more.
  • Communication channels: Communication channels include internal and external Web sites, public relations venues, visits or speeches from management, and more.

This week, add the following sections to your final plan:

  • Review the evaluation methods for your plan. How will you communicate results to management on a regular basis? Consider a monthly report, management briefings, updates, and a yearly summary for board presentations.
  • Describe how you plan to deal with the negative emotions (from employees or other audience groups) that often accompany bad news or other information.

Finally, prepare the opening of the oral presentation that will describe your completed plan to management.

Presentation Notes

In your presentation notes, add 1 strategy for each of the following:

  • Reading the emotions of management: What to look for and how to respond
  • Dealing with any negative responses or emotions to the plan: Ways to resolve any possible conflict in the meeting
  • Finding approval for the plan: Continuing the meeting by moving past any negative emotions (resulting in a win-win for everyone involved)

Add your presentation notes to the end of the plan.

Provide 5–6 sources other than your textbook to support your answer. Use APA style for citations.

The materials found in the MUSE may help you with this assignment such as the presentation Emotions in Communication



Amy, a 3 year old girl is brought to your office by her mother because she has a fever and complains that her ear hurts. She has no significant medical history. The child is not pleased to be in the provider’s office and has been crying. Her mother explains that she developed a “cold” about 3 days ago with sniffles. As she cries she continues to cough and has yellowish nasal discharge. 

Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis and justify why you selected each.