6051 DQ1

Due Wednesday 8/30

cultural diversity discussion 1


Select one of the discussion prompts below and respond to it with an initial post by Day #4 of the unit week. Your initial post needs to thoroughly address all parts of the selected prompt and be supported by at least one scholarly source. Then, respond to at least two threads on two additional days to drive the weekly discussions. All posts must demonstrate critical thinking and effective written communication including proper spelling, grammar, professional language, and APA formatting of references and in-text citations. All posts must also be submitted no later than the last day of the unit week.

Discussion Prompts

Prompt #1

How do you define “cultural diversity”? Do you think the way you define cultural diversity is the same or different than how others might define it? What elements contribute to a person’s “cultural identity”? What if everyone in the world had the same cultural identity? Do you think this would be a place you’d want to live? Why are discussions about cultural identity important?

(USLOs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)

Prompt #2

Share with us some of your personal and cultural identities. Please share 6 aspects of yourself with the group. Here are some identity categories, for example:

  • Cultural Heritage(s)
  • Nationality(-ies)
  • Family
  • Race/Ethnicity
  • Religion/Religious influences
  • Sexual Identity
  • Disability Status
  • Language Community(-ies)
  • Character trait(s)

Do any of these identities relate to one another, if so, how? What would a person who read about your identity be able to reveal about you? What would a person who read about your identity not be able to tell about you? Do any of your cultural identity groups practice allyship? If they do not practice allyship, how might they engage in activities to be more inclusive and equitable?


Post an explanation of your choice of a nursing specialty within the program. Describe any difficulties you had (or are having) in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. Identify at least one professional organization affiliated with your chosen specialty and provide details on becoming a member.

Little about me

I have been a behavioral health nurse for the past 6 years, I am currently completing my master in Psychiatric Nursing. 

W2 D see attachment




Week 1

Organizational Change and Ethical-Legal Influences in Advanced Practice Nursing Case Study

Preparing the Discussion

You are a family nurse practitioner employed in a busy primary care office. The providers in the group include one physician and three nurse practitioners. The back-office staff includes eight medical assistants who assist with patient care as well as filing, answering calls from patients, processing laboratory results and taking prescription renewal requests from patients and pharmacies. Stephanie, a medical assistant, has worked in the practice for 10 years and is very proficient at her job. She knows almost every patient in the practice and has an excellent rapport with all of the providers. 

Mrs. Smith was seen today in the office for an annual physical. Her last appointment was a year ago for the same reason. During this visit, Mrs. Smith brought an empty bottle of amoxicillin with her and asked if she could have a refill. You noted the patient's name on the label, and the date on the bottle was 1 week ago. You also noted your name printed on the label as the prescriber. The patient admitted that she called last week concerned about her cough and spoke to Stephanie. You do not recall having discussed this patient with Stephanie nor do the other providers in the practice. 

Case Study Questions: 

1. What are the potential ethical and legal implications for each of the following practice members? 

· Medical assistant

· Nurse Practitioner

· Medical Director

· Practice

2. What strategies would you implement to prevent further episodes of potentially illegal behavior? 

3. What leadership qualities would you apply to effect a positive change in the practice?  Be thinking about the culture of the practice.

4. A scholarly resource must be used for EACH discussion question each week.

discussion post 4

suggesti an additional perspective on what it means to be a nurse with a practice doctorate, offer support to the expectations with obtaining the degree that your colleague posted, or expand upon your colleague’s post. Use 2 references 

The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) degree has only been available to nursing scholars since 2004.  It was deemed necessary by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) because “changing demands of this nation’s complex healthcare environment require the highest level of scientific knowledge and practice expertise to assure quality patient outcomes” (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2023).  Because the degree is relatively new, the significance of the DNP is not yet widely understood.  A recent study determined that “DNP-prepared nurses typically function as APRNs in clinical care or as health care system leaders, while there is a low number of DNPs in clinical practice settings” (Beeber et al., 2019).  That being said, there is a great opportunity here for the DNP-prepared nurses of the future.  Tussing (2018) identified that there is “great potential for innovation around new care delivery models, interdisciplinary projects, and community involvement for a healthier society” if healthcare leaders consider the potential of redesigning or creating new roles for the DNP-prepared nurse.

Expectations of Doctor of Nursing Practice versus Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing

            The DNP degree is founded in nursing practice whereas a Ph.D. in nursing is rooted in research and teaching.  I chose to pursue the DNP because I believe it will allow me to effect social change on a larger scale and I enjoy the clinical side of nursing.  As a DNP-prepared nurse, I will “hold a broad foundation of knowledge from nursing, ethics, psychosocial and biophysical sciences, as well as from organizational and change theories” (Hartjes et al., 2019).  My professional goal is to serve as a Healthcare organization’s Chief Nursing Officer (CNO).  Nurses who hold a Ph.D. tend to pursue research opportunities or serve as professors at Universities.  Obtaining my DNP aligned with my professional goal of becoming a CNO.  Additionally, Walden University offers an executive nursing track which will set me up for success.

                                        Addressing a Gap in Practice

            As a nurse executive, it will be my role to identify and address gaps in practice.  At my current organization, one gap I will address is the workflow of admitting patients.  I work at an inpatient psychiatric hospital.  The current practice is that patients arrive to the hospital via ambulance and are rolled directly onto the unit.  There is minimal communication between the intake department, which accepts the patient, and the nurses who receive the patient on the floor.  I aim to create an admissions unit that will house the intake department.  This will help facilitate communication and create a better experience for the patient. 


American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2023). Fact sheet: The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP)https://www.aacnnursing.org/Portals/0/PDFs/Fact-Sheets/DNP-Fact-Sheet.pdfLinks to an external site.

      Beeber, A. S., Palmer, C., Waldrop, J., Lynn, M. R., & Jones, C. B. (2019). The role of Doctor of Nursing Practice-prepared nurses in practice settings. Nursing Outlook, 67(4), 354–364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.outlook.2019.02.006Links to an external site.

Hartjes, T. M., Lester, D., Arasi-Ruddock, L., McFadden Bradley, S., Munro, S., & Cowan, L. (2019). Answering the question: Is the Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Nursing Practice right for me? Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 31(8), 439–442.               https://doi.org/10.1097/JXX.0000000000000273

Tussing, T., Brinkman, B., Francis, D., Hixon, B., Labardee, R., & Chipps, E. (2018). The impact of the Doctorate of Nursing practice nurse in a hospital setting. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 48(12), 600–602. https://doi.org/10.1097/NNA.0000000000000688

2nd Response to disc 7



Nurses play an important role in transforming health care; therefore, effective nurse leadership is required. Rising medical costs, increased competition among medical institutions and high demand for quality medical services are particularly calling for the efficient management of medical institutions, subsequently increasing the demand for nurses with management and leadership skills. Within nursing contexts, leadership creates an environment that both influences nurses to improve the quality of nursing care and motivates and empowers them through a clear vision. Effective leadership from management inspires positive behaviors in staff, such as organizational citizenship behaviors, further job satisfaction and organizational commitment. So, education is necessary to continuously improve nursing leadership abilities. Moreover, nurses can effectively incorporate their leadership education into their nursing practices and enhance nursing organizations’ performance, while advancing the profession by providing leadership opportunities. The role of the nurse is changing with the transformation of healthcare, but unfortunately, the level of education typically remains the same, as evidenced by the small percentage of nurses who pursue higher levels of education. Baccalaureate education with its broader, more scientific base provides the sound foundation for the variety of nursing positions and for entry to advanced nursing education and practice. The barriers include a lack of specific education that is focused on clinical leadership and health team management, feeling devalued by the system, and a lack of a structural pathway of learning and development for the registered nurses. Although, all nurses cannot financially support themselves to achieve baccalaureate education requirements.

Nursing leaders’ perception of nursing leadership was extended to nurses, organizations and nursing professions. Competency, capability, innate personality and traits are required nursing abilities that are acquired through education. Nursing leaders view nursing leadership as a broad, multidimensional concept and are keenly aware of the importance of education in its improvement over the long term. 


Kim, H. O., Lee, I., & Lee, B. S. (2022). Nursing leaders’ perceptions of the state of nursing leadership and the need for nursing leadership education reform: A qualitative content analysis from South Korea. Journal of nursing management30(7), 2216–2226. https://doi.org/10.1111/jonm.13596

Nursing Research Assignment

Research Assignment

Unit 7 Medications for Psychosis and Schizophrenia Related Disorders 600W. APA. 4 references due 10-17-23.

Advanced Psychopharmacology and Health Promotion

Unit 7 Medications for Psychosis and Schizophrenia Related Disorders 600W. APA. 4 references due 10-17-23.

Answer the following questions:

Which antipsychotics are considered first-generation and why are they used less often than second generation antipsychotics? Are second-generation antipsychotics more effective?

Compare and contrast the following conditions: Tardive Dyskinesia, Acute Dystonia, Athetosis, and Tics.

Responses need to address all components of the question, demonstrate critical thinking and analysis and include peer-reviewed journal evidence to support the student’s position.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with in-text citations and corresponding references in APA format.

Use as a guide please do not copy this information. Also please use the textbook

1. Which antipsychotics are considered first-generation and why are they used less often than second generation antipsychotics? Are second-generation antipsychotics more effective? First generation antipsychotics, also referred to as “typical antipsychotics” were developed in the 1950s. Commonly prescribed first-generation antipsychotics include: Loxitane (loxapine); Mellaril (thioridazine); Moban (molindone); Navane (thiothixene); Prolixin (fluphenazine); Serentil (mesoridazine); Stelazine (trifluoperazine); Trilafon (perphenazine); and Thorazine (chlorpromazine). These first-generation antipsychotics are used less often than second generation antipsychotics because these medications have a high risk of side effects and some of those side effects can be severe. Second-generation antipsychotics, also known as “atypical antipsychotics,” were developed in the 1980s. Second-generation antipsychotics have more metabolic symptoms, including obesity, diabetes and hyperlipidemia (Heldt, 2017; Stahl et al., 2021). Side effects from first-generation antipsychotics include extrapyramidal effects, such as tardive dyskinesia, rigidity, tremors, and seizures. There is no evidence that second generation antipsychotics are significantly more effective than first generation antipsychotics in the treatment of cognitive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia (Stahl et al., 2021; Stroup, et al., 2003). 2. Compare and contrast the following conditions: Tardive Dyskinesia, Acute Dystonia, Athetosis, and Tics. Tardive dyskinesia is one of the symptoms of long-term use of a first -generation antipsychotic. It is a condition where there is constant or rhythmic involuntary movements that usually involves the muscles of the mouth. It can appear as lip smacking, chewing, excessive eye blinking, grimacing. These symptoms appear slowly over time. Tardive dyskinesia will not go away once the antipsychotic is stopped, it can become irreversible if present for too long. The risk of a patient developing tardive dyskinesia goes up with every year of continuous treatment. TD is specific to the use of antipsychotics (Heldt, 2017). Acute dystonia can develop within the first few hours of a patient receiving an antipsychotic. It is a sustained and painful involuntary contraction of a muscle group- usually involving the face or neck muscles. This is an easily reversible side effect and is managed with an anticholinergic drug such as Benadryl or Cogentin. This condition This study source was downloaded by 100000769192234 from CourseHero.com on 10-16-2023 17:34:58 GMT -05:00 https://www.coursehero.com/file/123197773/Discussion-7docx/ can resolve within a few minutes of proper medication and will not leave any long-term effects (Heldt, 2017). Athetosis is slow, involuntary, writhing movements of fingers, hands, toes and feet. Patients with this condition cannot maintain a stable or still position and when patients attempt to try to control the movements, symptoms can get worse. Athetosis is often a longterm symptom of continued use of first-generation antipsychotics (Holland, 2018). Tics are distinguished from EPS symptoms by the fact that tics are most commonly brief movements are able to be suppressed. Tics are sudden, rapid and repetitive movement (motor tics) or vocalizations (vocal tics). Those with tics feel the urge building up inside them before the tic appears, they these individuals report a feeling of relief after the tic is over. Although tics are involuntary, tics stop during sleep and patients can suppress the urge for short periods of time with effort (Martino, 2020). Heldt, J. P. (2017). Memorable psychopharmacology. Createspace Independent Publishing Platform. Holland, K. (2018, July 18). What Is Athetosis? Healthline; Healthline Media. https://www.healthline.com/health/athetosis Martino, D. (2020). Update on the Treatment of Tics in Tourette Syndrome and Other Chronic Tic Disorders. Current Treatment Options in Neurology, 22(4). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11940-020-0620-z Stahl, S., Muntner, N., & Grady, M. M. (2021). Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: Neuroscientific basis and clinical applications (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press. Stroup, T. S., McEvoy, J. P., Swartz, M. S., Byerly, M. J., Glick, I. D., Canive, J. M., McGee, M. F., Simpson, G. M., Stevens, M. C., & Lieberman, J. A. (2003). The National Institute of Mental Health Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE)

Write 1 sentence that explains your understanding of communication.


  • Write 1 sentence that explains your understanding of communication.
  • Expand on your ideas by highlighting the following in your meeting:
    • What are 2 components of the communication process that you think are important, and why?
    • How can you spot miscommunication? Illustrate with an example.

The materials found in the MUSE may help you with this assignment such as the article Elements of Communication

Resources from presentation

Citing scholarly resources in your work is required throughout your program. This week, you will support your organizational ethics presentation using at least two sources. Share your chosen topic and the key words and search strategies you used with your peers so that you can review each other’s work and provide peer-to-peer feedback. Also, describe what you think are the most important search features when narrowing down topics in the databases and why.