Entries by Submit My Homework

Strategic Planning

Preparation The feedback you received on your care setting environmental analysis has been positive. Consequently, you have been asked to select one of the potential improvement projects you noted in your analysis and create a full, 5–10-year strategic plan to achieve the desired quality and safety improvement outcomes. You will develop your strategic plan, using […]

Nursing NUR 445 – Week 6 Assignment: Case Study Part I

This week, you will complete Case Study Part 1: SECTION 1 BACKGROUND: IDENTIFYING A PROBLEM Eleanor is a 52-year-old patient who has had a hip replacement 1 day ago who is on your assigned patient care team. You complete patient care rounds and assess Eleanor’s vital signs, comfort level, intravenous (IV) site and wound dressing. […]

Nursing M1 assignment 1 response

What matters at the end of life and Palliative care, a  different voice in healthcare. There are two Utube videos above and you  need to pick only one and tell about it. Here is what you can report on: a) What is the subject that the speaker is covering? b) Does it effect the ideas […]


a written proposal that describes an assessment of the needs of the client(s) and why you feel this project would be beneficial to improve health outcomes. Include the goal of the project, the target audience, and what you expect the response to be. This proposal must be at least 2 pages long, not counting reference […]

Wk 1 Disc CC

My assigned number was 6 which is: Inferior vs. Anterior Wall Myocardial Infarction Initial post:Each student will be assigned a number randomly.  Whatever your number is, select the corresponding topic below, then post a minimum of 5 bullet points about the topic.Your bullet points should address key components of the topic, such as what, how, […]

5 cl

  discuss a very brief description (one paragraph for the group session– do NOT include the actual 12-steps) to include the following:  Official name of the program or group you observed.

Mind Map of Information Technologies

   identify the process for decision-making regarding technology. You will also discuss the nursing role in identifying appropriate technology for practice. identify the process for decision making regarding technology. Discuss nursing role in identifying appropriate technology for practice.  should include the following: One technology application used in health care to facilitate decision making. The application’s […]