Entries by Submit My Homework

customer service IP2

  Transportation This major airline had a rocky road at its start. Incorporated in 1967, it never actually started flying planes until June of 1971 because of lengthy legal challenges by other major airlines. When it finally started services between Dallas and Houston and Dallas and San Antonio, it used three Boeing 737 aircraft and […]


CLICK LINK BELOW https://plagiarism.iu.edu/index.html Look at the tabs on the right and click ”Take Certification Test” then stroll down and click “I’m an undergraduate college student or advanced high school student” The login for is E-mail: [email protected] Password: Sunday0064


  Using evidence-based resources from your search, answer the following questions and support your answers using current evidence from the literature. Analyze the subjective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation. Analyze the objective portion of the note. List additional information that should be included in the documentation. […]


Module/Week 8: Community Assessment Project Module Overview During this week, you will focus on your community health assessment project. Overall Topics Community Health Assessment project Module Learning Objectives By the end of this week, students will be able to: • Complete Community Health Assessment. Learning Assignments 1. Focus on completing your community health assessment. 2. […]

mental health

Rubric for NUR2488 A1&B1 Presentation on Criminal Minds Be sure each section is clearly delineated and covered in a 3–5-page body paper, double spaced, Plus a Care Plan HINT: Use the Headings provided – if you can’t find something, record as “unable to find” or guess as to what the answer may be (and say […]

Nursing Assignment Golden Age and Macromolecules

Golden Age of Microbiology: Use the given active learning template (ALT) to connect Scientists with their discoveries in 1-2 sentences. (Slide 1; 2.5 points) Carolus Linnaeus Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Alexander Fleming Joseph Lister Ignaz Semmelweis Robert Koch: (Slide 2; 3 points) Summary of Key Work: Organisms Studied: Other Findings: Postulates: Louis Pasteur: S-shaped Flask experiment […]

Cultural Discussion Wk 4

  This week the discussion question will address how the socioeconomic impact influences the levels of care across a culturally diverse community. What resources are available and how do you as the nurse, disseminate healthcare resources across a diverse population group?  I am looking forward to some creative responses.