NUR 435 – Week 5 Discussion: Financial Considerations in Nursing No unread replies.No replies.

Step 1 Post your response to the discussion board.

Currently, nursing services are considered an expense for which healthcare organizations cannot bill separately. Respond to the following questions and, if appropriate, include personal experience as part of your answers:

  • Why are healthcare organizations unable to bill separately for nursing services, and what is the impact on nurse leaders?
  • What can the nursing profession, and specifically nursing leaders, do to change this issue?
  • Why are nursing services considered an expense and not an income generator?

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them by Friday at 11:59pm Mountain Time.

Ask questions of the other students that promote further thinking and discussion on the topic. Consider the changes to billing identified by the other students. Do you agree or disagree that these changes can make an impact on nursing services? Why or why not?

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.


Discussion: PICOT Question

Over the course of the next eight weeks, we will be examining concepts related to nursing research and the translation of evidence to practice. To help you better understand the process, you will be identifying a practice issue for nurse practitioners.
 You will develop a PICOT question associated with the issue, find evidence to support a change in practice, and present your recommendations for change to your peers. This week, we will work on helping you refine your area of interest so that you will be able to develop a concise question for next week’s assignment. You are encouraged to use the area of interest you chose for the project in NR500NP and/or NR501NP; however, you may choose a different area if you wish.

Select an issue in nurse practitioner (NP) practice that is of interest to you and in which you would like to see a practice change occur. Conduct a review of literature to see what is currently known about the topic. In 1-2 paragraphs, describe the scope and relevance of the issue and your recommended change. Provide reference support from at least two outside scholarly sources to support your ideas. 
Please pick something you can do as a NP in your practice that is patient focused. Your intervention needs to relate to a measurable patient health outcome. Please avoid anything that would require a policy or law change, such as full-practice authority. Burnout and satisfaction surveys also are not appropriate topics as they are not patient centered. 

Review this 4-minute video to gain a better understanding of the requirements of a PICOT question. The PICOT question is not a research question, but a quality improvement issue that requires a practice change. 

Hello, my name is Dr. Lynch. Hey, I'm an assistant professor a Chamberlain University College of Nursing. Today we're gonna talk about pico questions and best practices in formulating these questions. There are five parts to a pico question. Patient intervention, comparison, outcome in time. The slides subsequently we will discuss each part of this question. The first ingredient for cooking up a pico question is population. Pick a broad topic, drill down, focus down so that then your population is very specific. Type two diabetic female patients age 30 to 40 who consume over 400 g of carbohydrates per day. A bunch more specific population then patients with diabetes intervention. What intervention do you think will make a difference? Is that supported by the scholarly literature? What is being done in clinical practice today? Are there better alternatives? You must use an intervention based on scholarly literature? Remember the definition of scholarly literature is a US based peer reviewed journal article geared for clinicians published in the past five years, or the latest clinical practice guideline. Comparison. So what is the standard of care currently? Patients without the intervention, patients without a condition, patients without risk factor. This part defines another population who will be used as a comparison against the group receiving the intervention. What is your desired outcome? The outcome should relate directly to the intervention and outcomes should be measurable. Time. This is a specific timeframe to demonstrate the outcome. In quality improvement efforts, the timeframe has to be realistic and manageable. Not over years, may not be even over months, but it could be. But it is usually a short timeframe to make an improvement effort. Many students ask what the differences between pico research and quality improvement questions. This chart will help you understand the difference. The pico question used here is in postoperative kidney transplant adults aged 65 to 75, how does a health coach compared with no health coaching affect hospital readmission rates within 90 days of discharge? This is a perfect pico question compared to the research question or QI question that also could be asked about this matter. Here's an example. In real life, you're a nurse practitioner working in a skilled nursing facility, the rate of false as unacceptable. And your care team has come together to discuss what should be done about this. Your pico question is, in elderly patients between age 65.75 residing in a sniff, how do fall prevention programs with risk assessment compared to fall prevention programs without risk assessment effect fall rates within 90 days after the intervention. So you can see how this question will guide how you view the literature on this topic. You will be looking for fall prevention with risk assessment in the scholarly literature to see what has worked in other places. What are the crucial ingredients in an outpatient fall prevention program? The literature holds the key, holds the answer to these questions. If you need further assistance, please contact your instructor directly. You can also contact the librarians at the Chamberlain library who can be accessed through many means, email, chat on real time. This material comes from Malbec and find out overhauled book evidence-based practice in nursing and health care, a guide to best practice, which is a great addition to your library.


See attachment for resources 


Total points possible: 100 points

Preparing the assignment
1. Research the literature and obtain two to three resources for current,
evidence-based information related to Tapinarof
2. Develop a teaching brochure and one page paper following these guidelines.

a. Brochure for nurses- Focus on nurses for literacy level
• Key/Relevant Drug Information (30 points/30%)

o Drug Class
o Mechanism of Action
o Drug Administration and Dosage
o Drug Interactions
o Lab effects/interference

• Patient Education Considerations (35 points/35%)
o Nursing Management
o Patient Education Considerations (special considerations)- provide examples
specific to client age needs- geriatric, pediatric and pregnant client
o Patient Assessment
o Side Effects/Adverse Effects/Toxicities
o Special considerations- provide examples specific to client age needs-
geriatric, pediatric, and pregnant clients
o Visual Effects/Creativity (10 points/10%)
o Developed per the required standard
o Appropriate for the intended audience (focus on nurses for literacy level)
o Graphics enhance the purpose of the brochure
o Brochure is visually appealing

b. One Page Paper (15 points/15%)
• Describes intended use of brochure (focus on nurses for literacy level)
• Includes:

o Name
o Date
o Class
o Reference page

• Describe how brochure information would be revised if intended brochure
audience had a low health literacy level.

c. APA Format (5 points/5%)
• Includes no more than 3 unique errors with APA format (current ed.)
• At least two (2) scholarly, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the
textbook, are provided

d. Writing and Mechanics (5 points/5%)

• Clearly written
• Includes no more than three unique errors of grammar
• Includes no more than three unique errors in writing mechanics
• Paper is one page, excluding references and title page

Interview #2

Conduct an interview with either a client or a previous healthcare consumer (this may be a neighbor, a volunteer, or a total stranger). Please be mindful of HIPPA and provide for confidentiality. Do not identify the interviewee.
• What are the client’s origins? Where were they born? Do they speak another language? (10 Points)
• How do they access the healthcare system? What resources are used? (10 Points)
• Do they have a primary care physician/nurse practitioner? (10 Points)
• Identify any healthcare disparities associated with the client. (10 Points)
• Did their socioeconomic status influence their level of or quality of healthcare? (10 Points)
• Have they ever experienced any issues during their care while at a healthcare facility? (10 Points)
• What specific needs would they like to have addressed when visiting a healthcare practitioner/facility? (10 Points)
• Do they require assistance with community resources to improve their level of care? (5 Points)

o If yes, provide a teaching moment and document this in your interview.
o If no, provide a listing of resources for future use if needed. Refer to the following link for Monroe County: to an external site.

Laboratory for Diagnosis, Symptom and Illness Management


Compare and examine the consequences of an unethical behaviors in a nursing Master’s program and in the nursing practice by providing one example for each. 

Please include 350-400 words in your initial posting by Wednesday night. Answer two classmates with 200 words to your classmates.  Please include scholarly reference.  


MY NUMBER ASSIGNED WAS 2 WHICH IS: Oropharyngeal airways

Initial post:

Each student will be assigned a number randomly.  Whatever your number is, select the corresponding topic below, then post a minimum of 5 bullet points about the topic.

Your bullet points should address key components of the topic, such as what, how, who, & why.  This information should not be basic things you learned in Med/Surg, but rather advanced critical care based. 

Think about this as a group effort to create a study guide. Use ONLY your textbook, but do not cut & paste from the book.

Then create, find, or borrow a test style question about your topic & post at the bottom of your bullet points. The format needs to be multiple choice or select all that apply. Think NCLEX style.

 Each week include a paragraph with the results from one of your weekly interviews.

Discussion post assignments are worth 20 points each as follows: 

  • 5 points for the quality of your bullet points.
  • 5 points for the quality of your question.
  • 5 points for answering the question of a peer as your response.
  • 5 points for the quality of your rationale.
    • Quality is defined as thorough and thoughtful while demonstrating professional level knowledge of the topic.



As your EBP skills grow, you may be called upon to share your expertise with others. While EBP practice is often conducted with unique outcomes in mind, EBP practitioners who share their results can both add to the general body of knowledge and serve as an advocate for the application of EBP.

In this Discussion, you will explore strategies for disseminating EBP within your organization, community, or industry. 

To Prepare:

· Review the Resources and reflect on the various strategies presented throughout the course that may be helpful in disseminating effective and widely cited EBP.

· This may include: unit-level or organizational-level presentations, poster presentations, and podium presentations at organizational, local, regional, state, and national levels, as well as publication in peer-reviewed journals.

· Reflect on which type of dissemination strategy you might use to communicate EBP.

Post at least two dissemination strategies you would be most inclined to use and explain why. Explain which dissemination strategies you would be least inclined to use and explain why. Identify at least two barriers you might encounter when using the dissemination strategies you are most inclined to use. Be specific and provide examples. Explain how you might overcome the barriers you identified.


Required Readings

· Melnyk, B. M., & Fineout-Overholt, E. (2023). 
Evidence-based practice in nursing & healthcare: A guide to best practice (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer.

· Chapter 10, “The Role of Quality Improvement and Evidence-Based Quality Improvement in Practice Change” (pp. 365–393)

· Chapter 12, “Leadership Strategies for Creating and Sustaining Evidence-based Practice Organizations” (pp. 410–427)

· Chapter 14, “Models to Guide Implementation and Sustainability of Evidence-based Practice” (pp. 466–518)

· Gallagher-Ford, L., Fineout-Overhold, E., Melnyk, B.M. &  Stillwell, S.B. (2011). 
Evidence-based practice step-by-step:  Implementing an evidence-based practice changeLinks to an external site.
American Journal of Nursing, 111(3), 54-60.

· Newhouse, R. P., Dearholt, S., Poe, S., Pugh, L. C., & White, K. M. (2007). 
Organizational change strategies for evidence-based practiceLinks to an external site. 
Journal of Nursing Administration, 37(12), 552–557. doi:0.1097/01.NNA.0000302384.91366.8f

· Melnyk, B. M. (2012). 
Achieving a high-reliability organization through implementation of the ARCC model for systemwide sustainability of evidence-based practice.Links to an external site. 
Nursing Administration Quarterly, 36(2), 127–135. doi:10.1097/NAQ.0b013e318249fb6a

· Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Gallagher-Ford, L., & Stillwell, S. B. (2011). 
Evidence-based practice, step by step: Sustaining evidence-based practice through organizational policies and an innovative model.Links to an external site. 
American Journal of Nursing, 111(9), 57–60. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000405063.97774.0e

· Melnyk, B. M., Fineout-Overholt, E., Giggleman, M., & Choy, K. (2017). 
A test of the ARCC© model improves implementation of evidence-based practice, healthcare culture, and patient outcomesLinks to an external site.
Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing, 14(1), 5–9. doi:10.1111/wvn.12188


                                 industry Analysis

The industry analysis (also called 5 C’s analysis) is a tool for decision makers to understand how
companies distribute the profits available in a market. In this model, each company’s economic
viability is influenced by the competition and other players.
Please read the following article for more information on the elements of an industry analysis:

Casadesus-Masanell, R. (2014). Strategy Reading: industry Analysis. Harvard Business

The list presented below includes all the possible sections required for this analysis. You may
have to combine or omit items since some of them may not apply to the selected company or
information is not available.

1) Potential entrants
2) Buyers
3) Complements
4) Suppliers
5) Substitutes
This section should be between three to five pages in length. Make sure to use APA format to
cite all your references. The due date is day 7 of Module 5


Berwick, D., Snair, M., & Nishtar, S. (2018). Crossing the global health care quality chasm: A key component of universal health coverage. 
Journal of American Medical Association, 320(13), 1317-1318. 

Read the Berwick article and reflect on the concepts and practices you have learned in NR506 on healthcare systems, politics, and health policy. Reflections should include the following: 

1. How to make informed decisions on nursing practice and patient outcomes on a global basis.  In addition, state how you will apply what you have learned in this course to your upcoming practicum experience.   

2. Describe how one will apply content from this class to the upcoming clinical courses