Catholicism Report

Catholicism Written Report

Report Instructions
In your readings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the Compendium of the Catechism of the
Catholic Church you gleaned a better understanding of the what the Catholic Church’s teachings are on
specific theological topics.

You will now use the information gleaned in the text to delineate the teachings listed below in a concise

1. Catholic Understanding of God as Trinity
2. Salvation is Achieved through the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ
3. Eschatology – Death and the Afterlife
4. Freedom
5. Virtues
6. Sin

Formatting Guidelines
When completing this written report, the following guidelines must be followed. Failure to do so will result in
points being deducted from your grade:

a. This report must be typed in 12pt. font, double-spaced, & Times New Roman

b. Each section of the report must:
a. Include Section Title on a separate line

i. Ex: Freedom, Virtues, Sin, etc.

b. Be at least half a page in length

c. Incorporate at least 2 direct quotations with appropriate footnotes
1. First quotation must come from the specific section of the Catechism of the

Catholic Church in the required readings

2. Second quotation with accompanying footnote must come from the specific
section of the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the
required readings

– When citing your sources, you must use Chicago Manuel Style
o A Work Cited page is not required for this report